Top 10 Transformative Lessons from My Permaculture Design Course (PDC) Experience

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The journey toward a closer bond with our environment often begins with a curious spark and a yearning to coexist peacefully with the natural world. This rang true for me as I embarked on an expedition that seemed a thousand miles long—or at least involved multiple turns of compost piles. Everything started with an amusing but severe search that could cause a few to giggle: “How to blend with the earth without constantly embracing trees?”This simple question was the spark that ignited a journey, taking me far beyond the familiar confines of my comfort zone, both literally and in terms of my perspective.

Countless hours were devoted to navigating the web, devouring articles, and binge-watching videos on permaculture and organic farming, sustainable lifestyles, and effective ways to contribute positively to our planet. A distinct path began to take shape. My browsing adventures led me to make a daring yet appropriate decision: I was headed to Bali. The allure was not solely its scenic beauty and serene shores but the chance to participate in the Permaculture Design Course (PDC) at Kulkul Farm. Bali was chosen not just for its image as an exotic escape but for its deep-rooted culture of caring for the environment and its practices of community-led sustainable living, making it an ideal place to study permaculture principles in real-life scenarios.

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A critical factor in selecting Kulkul Farm was its creative employment of bamboo for sustainable agricultural solutions. Bamboo, a sustainable resource that thrives in Indonesia, is fundamental to many of Kulkul Farm’s structures and implements. This selection signifies a solid dedication to sustainability and exemplifies bamboo’s adaptability and eco-friendly advantages.

Bamboo stands out as a prime candidate for green building with its quick regeneration, carbon sequestration capabilities, and low-impact harvesting. It serves as a practical model of sustainable material usage in action. The experience at Kulkul Farm wasn’t merely about learning permaculture theories; it involved observing how traditional resources like bamboo could ingeniously support sustainable agricultural and lifestyle practices. This bamboo feature at Kulkul Farm added dimension to my adventure, offering a lesson in permaculture and a dive into innovative, environmentally aware living.

Discovering the Global Interest in Permaculture

Women Leading the Charge

It felt like you’ve been out of the loop. That was my feeling when I discovered a thriving community deeply invested in permaculture. The first thing that hit me was the staggering variety and numbers of women globally, all deeply involved in permaculture discussions, much like bees in a vibrant, flowering garden. This discovery was both astonishing and incredibly motivating. Clearly, people from different backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles were all drawn together by a shared goal: to explore, exchange, and integrate permaculture principles into their lives and the wider community.

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Their passion was infectious, igniting spirited debates, collective endeavors, and a sharing of wisdom that broke down global barriers. This was a powerful showcase of permaculture’s universal relevance and ability to foster community among diverse groups in the quest for sustainable living and environmental responsibility. The myriad of viewpoints and experiences enriched a complex conversation on applying permaculture techniques across various environments, from city terraces to extensive countryside estates, introducing creative answers to ecological issues.

Diving deeper into this realm, my grasp of permaculture principles – caring for the earth, caring for people, and sharing resources equitably – significantly broadened, steered by the wisdom and insights of these enthusiastic women. It became evident that permaculture transcended mere agricultural practices; it embodied a philosophy, a lifestyle committed to coexisting peacefully with nature, championing sustainability, and forging sturdy communities.

Encountering this widespread fellowship and a unified passion for permaculture marked a crucial turning point in my exploration. It eliminated any previous assumptions I held about being “out of touch”. It unveiled the dynamic universe of permaculture, a realm where individuals, irrespective of gender or origin, can contribute towards cultivating a greener, more sustainable earth.

The Composting Toilet Adventure

Initial Struggles

Embarking on a permaculture path offers a series of unique experiences, but few are as unforgettable as the initiation into the use of a composting toilet. My journey started with an eclectic mix of curiosity and confusion, confronting this symbol of eco-friendly living head-on. Despite my grasp on the concept, it was worlds apart from the usual conveniences I had grown used to.

By the second day, my bewilderment turned into a semblance of panic. A whirlwind of concerns about this unconventional facility’s feasibility and practical use began to take hold. Transitioning from theoretical understanding to hands-on use underscored the luxury and ease we often overlook daily.

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Yet, the transformation truly unfolded on the third day. Enlightenment washed over me in the most unexpected form—through the serene aroma of burning incense sticks. This subtle scent symbolized my newfound comprehension and embrace of nature’s cycles. It sparked a profound realization about the circular journey of life and waste and the significant impact mindful actions like composting can have on our planet’s well-being. This shift in perspective profoundly altered my approach to waste management and my role in the broader ecosystem.

Navigating from initial reluctance to a place of appreciation and insight mirrors the broader expedition into permaculture. This experience vividly reminds us that adopting eco-conscious habits often pushes us beyond our comfort zones to challenge our assumptions. Through this endeavor, not only do we delve into permaculture’s ethos, but we also discover our ability to adapt and grow. In its modest manner, the composting toilet emerged as a poignant mentor, demonstrating that the ideals of sustainability and regeneration are not merely academic concepts but tangible experiences that significantly deepen our bond with the earth.

The Magic of Incense Sticks

As it turns out, incense sticks wield power far beyond their conventional use of crafting a serene ambiance; they emerge as an unexpected hero in the domain of composting toilets. This revelation unfolds a delightful alchemy where a mere flicker of smoke mingled with aromatic magic transforms the entire experience. No longer is there a need for apprehensive nose-wrinkling or a hurried pace. With the gentle waft of incense, the air is purified, not just of odors but our preconceptions about waste and sanitation.

This simple yet ingenious approach marries tradition with sustainability, illustrating how ancient practices can find relevance in modern eco-friendly solutions. A stick of incense, then, becomes more than just a fragrance emitter—it becomes a symbol of how small, thoughtful changes can significantly enhance our daily routines, making the journey towards sustainable living not just bearable but pleasantly aromatic, proving that sometimes, the most straightforward solutions are right under our noses, waiting to be rediscovered and appreciated anew.

Kombucha: The Elixir of Life

First Encounter

Before embarking on my journey with the Permaculture Design Course, I considered the epitome of a healthy drink to be nothing more extravagant than a simple glass of water, occasionally enhanced with a slice of lemon for an added zing and a sprinkle of sophistication. It was my modest way of integrating something akin to health-conscious decisions into my diet. Yet, stepping into permaculture opened my eyes to many sustainable living habits and introduced me to a drink that transformed my notion of what constitutes a healthy beverage: kombucha.

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Tasting this bubbly, fermented tea for the first time was an epiphany. Its distinctive mix of sour and sweet flavors and a gentle carbonation was new to my palate. This experience transcended just finding a new preferred drink; it symbolized an awakening to the expansive potential of fermentation and its myriad benefits. The fusion of simple ingredients enthralled me into something so complex and beneficial, thanks to the probiotics, the enhancement of gut health, and the craft of producing kombucha in one’s kitchen. This newfound admiration confirmed one of the core teachings of permaculture: the principle that sustainable practices can permeate every facet of our existence, including our dietary habits.

As I ventured further into mastering the art of kombucha fermentation, experimenting with diverse tastes, and adjusting fermentation durations, I realized that my fridge—and, indeed, my overall dietary philosophy—were on the brink of a substantial and thrilling shift. Welcoming kombucha into my life was not merely about adding another item to my menu but represented a move towards a lifestyle characterized by greater mindfulness, healthfulness, and sustainability.

Brewing My Own

Starting this adventure in mastering the craft of creating this probiotic titan was like discovering a hidden level in a video game. Every phase, from picking the ideal tea mixture to finding the perfect mix of sugar and sourness, was a challenge that I eagerly accepted. The insight that I was capable of brewing this fermented elixir in my kitchen was a pivotal culinary revelation, altering my view on homemade drinks. My excitement only expanded as I delved into experimenting with various tastes, ranging from the citrus tang of berries to the gentle heat of ginger.

This venture was more than just producing a tasty beverage; it was about adopting a more wholesome lifestyle, one fizzy bottle after another. Hence, with a lighthearted attitude, I thought of myself severely and humorously as an emerging kombucha brewmaster.

My ambitions extended beyond just personal indulgence. Imagine my future farm. Kombucha has secured its spot as a cornerstone among the sustainable and nutritious drinks we plan to offer, representing the principles of permaculture and self-reliance that steer our goals. This path from beginner to expert wasn’t only about perfecting a skill but integrating this acquired wisdom into the essence of my forthcoming projects, offering a promise of a fizzy, probiotic-laden future for everyone who comes by.

Bamboo: The Versatile Giant

Architectural Marvels

Stepping into this bamboo wonderland, with its houses, elevators, and bridges, felt like entering a sustainable fantasy akin to Disneyland. Every construction showcased the flexibility and aesthetic appeal of bamboo, sparking intense envy for such homes and a deep admiration for eco-friendly architecture.

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One of the training attendees lived in the renowned Green Village, offering us a unique tour of their bamboo abode. The desire to own such a home, nestled with breathtaking views of mountains and rivers, grew immensely. Additionally, visiting the Green School was another highlight, where the innovative architectural design and progressive educational approach left me in awe. Enrolling their children in the Green School is highly recommended for parents who have the means.

Bamboo Elevator and Restaurant

Riding the bamboo elevator was a literal ascent and a metaphorical elevation of spirit. This was complemented by dining in a cliffside bamboo restaurant, where the stunning views of natural spring-fed pools and a meandering river captivated my senses. At that moment, it became evident that bamboo had captured my affection entirely. For those eager to witness the allure of these bamboo marvels, I recommend booking a trip to Bambu Indah Resort without delay.

The Soap Tree Discovery

Natural Detergents

Stumbling upon the soap tree was akin to an epiphany. My adventure kicked off when another apprentice, who was living in the vibrant metropolis of Hong Kong, unveiled this fascinating mystery to me. She described an environmentally friendly and remarkably potent natural cleaning agent. The idea seized my imagination instantly. A planet-friendly natural cleanser that’s also powerful? It seemed almost unbelievable. I was immediately hooked on the concept, envisioning all the potential outcomes. Now, the task before me was to unearth those hard-to-find soap tree seeds, a journey that was as exhilarating as it was intimidating.

Planning to Grow My Own

My discussions around natural cleaning solutions only amplified my resolve. Talking about the steep prices of eco-conscious cleaning products in other countries made me recognize the importance of self-reliance in this domain. It lit a new fire within me: to grow my very own soap tree.

Indeed, who wouldn’t aspire to embrace a clean and sustainable lifestyle? The ambition to cultivate my own source of natural cleaner, enabling me to forsake the chemically intensive alternatives crowding the market, turned into a vision I was determined to fulfill. Ultimately, the path towards a more eco-friendly lifestyle isn’t just about opting for better choices for ourselves but also plays a part in fostering a healthier Earth.

The Humbling Yoga Experience

Dreaming of Rishikesh

In my training for the Permaculture Design Course, I encountered a transformative insight: yoga is an ideal way to start the day. Although I had met yoga previously, it was at this point that I recognized its full potential, having never really delved deep into the practice. Observing the astonishing skill of several women in our group, who managed to bend and stretch with an effortless grace that seemed beyond my reach, was incredibly inspiring.

This experience ignited a sincere yet playful goal within me: to travel to Rishikesh, India—the epicenter of yoga worldwide. While mentioned with light-hearted laughter, the thought of mastering yoga started intertwining with my broader aspiration of creating a peaceful yoga barn on my farm. I dreamed of a tranquil sanctuary where the soothing practice of yoga combines with the rustic allure of rural life; a setting where morning yoga sessions, surrounded by the calming sounds of nature, could offer inspiration and renewal became an integral part of my vision.

Incorporating yoga into my daily life is not just promising a journey of personal growth but also fulfilling a dream of amalgamating physical health with the serene, grounding essence of living on a farm, thus crafting a haven for both the body and the spirit.

Culinary Revelations

Cassava and Banana Wonders

While the roots of cassava and the fruit of banana are commonly known as dietary staples, their leaves and stems are taking the culinary world by storm. My curiosity to taste these innovative flavors has led me to overindulge, which served as an uncomfortable reminder of my culinary adventures. This incident enlightened me on an important principle: moderation remains essential even when faced with the most exciting findings.

Hands-On with Natural Building

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Mixing Dirt and Learning by Doing

Diving into natural construction during my Permaculture Design Course training wasn’t merely an informative adventure but a transformative quest that altered my bond with the natural world. The simple act of thrusting my hands into the soil, shaping its core into structures that marry beauty with function, delivered a level of joy and fulfillment previously unknown to me. In these moments, I realized the incredible adaptability of natural resources—soil, clay, sand, and straw—not only as tools for building but as extensions of the natural environment that could be leveraged to forge sustainable, environmentally friendly habitats. Such insights have unveiled the immense possibilities lying dormant in the land under our feet.

The Role of Black Soldier Flies

Nature’s Cleanup Crew

Introducing the black soldier fly, the unsung hero of nature and a master at decomposition. These diminutive creatures serve as the essential cleanup crew, transforming waste into something extraordinary. My perspective shifted entirely when I encountered the black soldier fly. These tiny warriors excel in waste management, with their larvae rapidly converting organic refuse into nutrient-rich compost quicker than one could utter “recycle.” Acting as nature’s own waste disposal system, I now believe that every farm—and perhaps every household—should host a contingent of these effective, environmentally friendly decomposers.

Mealworms: Tiny Protein Factories

Feeding Chickens Sustainably

Last but not least, let’s talk about mealworms. Before the Permaculture Design Course, my closest encounter with worms was when I’d find them in the garden and run the other way. Now, I see them as a sustainable protein source for poultry. Chickens love them, and they’re surprisingly easy to farm. It’s a win-win: happy chickens, less waste, and a step forward toward sustainable farming.

Reflections and Future Steps

Implementing Permaculture Principles at Home

The path treaded has encompassed more than mere acquisition of knowledge; it’s sculpted visions of transforming my dwelling into a compact permaculture haven. From implementing composting toilets to crafting kombucha from scratch and feeding chickens sustainably, my aspiration to bring my eco-friendly visions to fruition stands firm.

Dreaming of My Own Sustainable Farm

The ultimate dream? To own a permaculture farm paradise where every element works in harmony with nature. Thanks to my Permaculture Design Course training, I’m one step closer to making that dream come true.


My Permaculture Design Course voyage has been a concoction of joy and education, from the innovation of composting toilets to the discovery of kombucha, the wonder of bamboo, and the grounding practice of yoga. This expedition has been one of exploration, not solely about permaculture, but also self-realization and envisaging my contribution to the planet. Thus, here’s to soil-stained hands, a lifestyle untainted, and a future where living sustainably transcends being merely a trendy phrase.


Can anyone join a Permaculture Design Course (PDC)?

Absolutely! Whether you’re a green thumb enthusiast or looking to positively impact the environment, a Permaculture Design Course is a great place to start.

What are the benefits of a composting toilet?

Besides being eco-friendly, they reduce water usage, eliminate the need for sewage treatment, and turn waste into compost gold.

How do you make kombucha?

Start with tea, sugar, and a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). Ferment, wait, and voilà! You’ve got kombucha.

Why is bamboo considered sustainable?

It grows rapidly, requires no fertilizer, and regenerates from its own roots. Plus, it’s incredibly versatile and robust.

And there you have it, folks, a glimpse into the whirlwind that was my PDC adventure. Who knew learning could be so much fun (and so sustainable)?